jewish aliyah transliteration

HebrewA language of West Semitic origins, culturally considered to be the language of the Jewish people. Smachot BatPlural form of simchat bat,Hebrewfor daughters celebration, a modern term for a naming ceremony for baby girls.Alternate spellings:Smachos bas. Who[is there]among you of all his people? Whether you're taking the first steps toward immigration or you're simply curious about the possibility, The Jewish Agency for Israel is here to provide guidance in the process of coming home. Traditionally said insynagogueduring theTorahservice, a holistic prayer for physical and spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration and strength.Alternate spellings:Mi Shabeirach,Mi shebeirach,Mi Sheberach,Mishabeirach,Mishebeirach,Mi-shebeirach,Mi-sheberach,Mshbeirach,Mshberach. Hatafat dambritHebrewfor drop of blood covenant, it is a ritual circumcision for those already circumcised. Nachmanides(the Ramban) includes making aliyah in his enumeration of the613 commandments. Another word for rabbi.. Recite the Amidah quietlybut audibly to yourselfwhile standing with feet together. HavdalahHebrewfor separation or distinction, the ceremony marking the end of the Sabbath on Saturday evenings.Alternate spellings:Havdala,Havdalla,Havdallah. Aliyah was also spurred during this period by the resurgence of messianic fervor among the Jews ofFrance,Italy, theGermanic states,Poland,Russia, andNorth Africa. Some say this blessing over bread, others recite it as a catch-all before a meal.Alternate spellings:HaMotzi,Ha-motzi,Motzi. Feel free t. Indeed, at one time, the person who received the last aliyah may have performed both of these duties. 1. Eretz YisraelHebrewfor Land of Israel, a biblical name for Israel. The service ends with the blowing of theshofar.Alternate spellings:Neila,Neila,Neilah. KiddushaHebrewfor holiness, refers to the prayer of holiness (the third section of theAmidah,or The Standing Prayer). And How can you help us with this critical effort? Methodist Wedding Vows Sample 1: United Methodist Declaration of Consent. There are manymitzvotsuch asshmita, thesabbaticalyear for farming, which can only be performed in Israel. Because Jewish lineage can provide a right to Israeli citizenship,aliyah(returning to Israel) has both a secular and a religious significance. Plural form is etrogim.Alternate spellings:Esrog,esrogim. In most synagogues, to have an aliyah, one must be Jewish . The practice of "completing" the Torah reading with a passage from the Navi, called the haftarah, is mentioned in the Mishnah. Challah:most frequently an egg bread that is braided. HespedHebrewfor eulogy.Alternate spellings:Chesped. Pronounced: TALL-mud, Origin: Hebrew, the set of teachings and commentaries on the Torah that form the basis for Jewish law. Its a spring holiday commemorating the Jewish peoples triumph. This allows everyone in the congregation to see the text and proclaim vzot ha-Torah (this is the Torah [that Moses placed before the Children of Israel]; Deut. Rosh HashanahHebrewfor Head of the Year, the Jewish New Year. Measures were enacted to ensure that all Israeli citizens had access to adequate food, housing, and clothing. Their interfaith relationship is central to the story. Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses. According to the traditional Jewish ordering of books of theTanakh(Old Testament), the very last word of the last book in the original Hebrew (2 Chronicles 36:23) isveyaal, ajussiveverb form derived from the samerootasaliyah, meaning "and let him go up" (to Jerusalem in Judah). The opposite actionemigration by Jews from the Land of Israelis referred to in the Hebrew language as yerida ( lit. HekhelTheSepharditerm for theark,a cabinet- or cupboard-like structure that houses theTorah(s) in asynagogue. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. The LORD his God[be]with him, and let him go up. In some synagogues it is the custom that the person receiving the Aliyah (the Oleh) wear a Tallit, even if he normally would not.. This served to create arelativelypeaceful eight years in Palestine while the Holocaust unfolded in Europe. Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses. Written in Aramaic, the Mourner's Kaddish is the prayer traditionally recited in memory of the dead, although it makes no mention of death.It is included in all three daily prayer services. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. Tony Reichler was only 16 when he decided to move away from his native Venezuela for a new opportunitybut he was ready. All Jews, no matter where they were born, are Israeli citizens by right. Worship service leaders, such as clergy, may lead services from thebimahas well.Alternate spellings:Bima. It is written on the scroll for amezuzah.Alternate spellings:Shma. Havu Godel l'Eloheinu ut'nu chavod laTorah. Latke:potato pancake, usually fried in oil. Refugee architects and musicians introduced theBauhausstyle (theWhite City of Tel Avivhas the highest concentration ofInternational Stylearchitecture in the world with a strong element of Bauhaus) and founded the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra. G-dGod. Magen DavidHebrewfor shield of David, it is more commonly recognized as thestar of David,a six-point star. Let us deliver connections, stories and updates straight to you. Let us declare the greatness of our God and give honor to the Torah. One way is to establish a Jewish Agency Gift Annuity. ShivaHebrewfor seven, refers to the seven days of mourning following the funeral of a family member. The tradition of reading the Torah out loud in synagogue dates back to the time of Moses. Its also a period of semi-mourning, when traditional Jews will refrain from partying, dancing, listening to live music, or cutting their hair. Maasim tovimHebrewfor good deeds.Alternate spellings:Maasim tovim. . Commonly represented by horseradish or romaine lettuce. Arrange your free, one-way flight to Israel. ZionistA supporter of the ideal that Israel be defined as a Jewish nation state. Comprised of the Mishnah and the Gemara, it contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis from different periods in Jewish history. NFTYNorth American Federation ofTempleYouth, the youth group of Judaisms Reform movement in North America. For others, Judaism is a culture. (Imdaveningat services tonight.)Alternate spellings: Davvening,davening,davvenning. In 2018 alone, we helped more than 30,000 Jews start new lives in Israel with crucial information and support systems for the time before, during, and after making Aliyah. What to expect and how to behave at a bar/bat mitzvah service. BenchingInYiddish,bentshn means to bless. It means blessing and refers to saying the blessing after meals, Birkat Hamazon(Hebrewfor Blessing on Nourishment).Alternate spellings:Bensching,bentshing. RavHebrewfor master, the term refers to a spiritual leader and teacher ofTorah. Traditionally described as "the act of going up" (towards the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem ), moving to the Land of Israel or "making aliyah" is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism. Torah Blessings Torah Blessings (audio recording) It refers to products that are both made from one of five types of grain and have been combined with water and left to stand raw (rise) for longer than eighteen minutes.Alternate spellings:Hametz,chometz,chumetz,hometz,humetz. Sukkah:temporary structure built for the holiday ofSukkot. KippahHebrewfor skullcap, also known inYiddishas a yarmulke, the small, circular headcovering worn by male Jews in most synagogues, and female Jews in more liberal congregations. (A seven-branched candelabrum, a symbol of the ancientTemplein Jerusalem, is a symbol of Judaism and is included in Israels coat of arms. During this period, some of the underpinnings of an independent nation-state arose: Hebrew, the ancient national language, was revived as a spoken language; newspapers and literature written in Hebrew were published; political parties and workers organizations were established. MezuzotPlural form of mezuzah(Hebrewfor doorpost), it now refers to a small box containing a scroll (of the Hebrew text of theShemaprayer) which is affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes. 633 Third Avenue, 21st Floor Between 1924 and 1929, 82,000 Jews arrived, many as a result of anti-Semitism inPolandandHungary. HamentaschenYiddishfor Hamans pockets, and shaped after the three-corner hat of Haman (the villain of thePurimstory), these are triangular cookies with poppy seed, jam or fruit filling in the middle. Birkat HaMazonHebrewfor Blessing on Nourishment, the blessing after meals.Alternate spellings:Birkat Hamazon,birkas hamazon,birkas hamazon. The prayer is very ancient, some . Many consider France to be one of the most romantic places worldwide and French the most romantic language. To help you wade through some of the more common words, weve put together this glossary. The major parts of the Saturday morning service. AshkenaziHaving Jewish family origins in Germany or Eastern Europe. It is marked by the lighting of amenorahand the eating of fried foods.Alternate spellings:Channukah,Chanuka,Chanukah,Chanukkah,Hannukah,Hanuka,Hanukah,Hanukka. I would like to make a donation in the amount of: Vim ei omnis facilisis, vix ut augue euismod assueverit, modo porro cum ad. In the mid-1950s, a smaller wave of immigration began from North African countries such asMorocco,Tunisia, Algeria, andEgypt, many of which were in the midst of nationalist struggles. The Jewish Agency is funded by the Jewish Federations of North America / United Israel Appeal, Keren Hayesod, foundations and donors from Israel and around the world |, Please enter a valid email address + try again, To learn more about how we use your personal data please read our, First Steps, Eligibility and Documentation, Now that You're in Israel - Additional Resources, Off to a Good Start in the Start-up Nation. We offer educational content; connections to welcoming organizations, professionals and programs; resources and trainings for organizations, clergy and other program providers; and our Rukin Rabbinic Fellowship provides offerings for couples in cities nationwide. It offers local and regional youth groups, summer programs and post-high school programs. Gut vokhYiddishfor good week, a customary greeting on Saturday evenings after the Sabbath ends (when the new week begins). Dollars are Tax Deductible in the United States. olot). If you are from the United States, you may qualify for a tax deduction. Aliyah Bet - Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: ', "Aliyah 'B'" - bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews, most of whom were Holocaust survivors. It usually involves the honor of analiyah(saying the blessing over theTorah). Someone who "makesaliyah" is called anoleh(m.; pl. Between 1904 and 1914, 40,000 Jews immigrated mainly fromRussiato southwestern Syria followingpogromsand outbreaks ofanti-Semitismin that country. Mi ShebeirachHebrewfor May He Who blessed, the first words of the prayer of the same name. {{ email }} The Jewish Agency for Israel helps Jews take greater ownership over their stories in a very special way: we bring them home. The lastma'abarotclosed in 1963. The term is most associated withRosh HashanahandYom Kippur.Alternate spellings:Teshuva,teshuvah,tshuva. Global Service Center provides services in six languages. Strictly speaking,mezuzahonly refers to the scroll itself, not the case in which its housed.Alternate spellings:Mezuza. Mah NishtanahHebrewfor what is different, the first words of the Four Questions, traditionally recited by the youngest child at thePassoverseder.Alternate spellings:Ma nishtana,ma nishtanah,mah nishtana. DavenYiddishfor prayer, its often used as a verb in English. Reference to earlier modern periods as the First and Second Aliyot appeared first in 1919 and took a while to catch on. A little "B" alliteration for you. HaftorahA selection from the books of Prophets that is read following the weeklyTorahportion. Modern Hebrew was developed in the late-19th and early 20th centuries as a revival language; today it is spoken by most Israelis. The Global Service Center is a call center and service provider for those who are interested in immigration to Israel. Additional national institutions arose such as the Histradut(General Labor Federation); an elected assembly; national council; and theHaganah, the forerunner of theIsrael Defense Forces. ShloshimHebrewfor thirty, refers to the thirty days of mourning following the funeral of a family member. The discussion on this passage in theMishnah emphasizes the importance of living in Israel: "One should always live in theLand of Israel, even in a town most of whose inhabitants are idolaters, but let no one live outside the Land, even in a town most of whose inhabitants areIsraelites; for whoever lives in the Land of Israel may be considered to have aGod, but whoever lives outside the Land may be regarded as one who has no God.". In Ashkenazi congregations, the Torah scroll is raised after the reading is completed, whereas Sephardic Jews raise the Torah scroll before the reading begins. 'descent'). The full commentary is available in print or as an ebook. (Helping her carry her groceries home was such a mitzvah!)Alternate spellings:Mitzvahs,mitzvas,mitzvos,mitzvoth. Original Judaic Hebrew calligraphy artwork by Alan Najman. Baruch HabaahHebrewfor welcome (when welcoming a female).Alternate spellings:Baruch habaah,baruch habaah,barukh habaah,barukh habaah,barukh habaah. Also defined as "the act of going up"that is, towards Jerusalem"making Aliyah" by moving to the Land of Israel is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism.. For much of Jewish history most Jews have lived in the diaspora where aliyah was developed as a national aspiration . There are several different stories for the origin of the word, though most seem to connect it to Old French, chalant (to warm) or chaud lent (hot slow).Alternate spellings:Chulent. DreydlekhThe plural form of theYiddishword spin, four-sided spinning tops played with during the Jewish holiday ofHanukkah. HorahHebrew,derived from the Greek word for dance, a variety of dances done in a circle, popular in Israel (and the Balkans) and danced at Jewish celebrations such as weddings.Alternate spellings:Hora. One of the most important Jewish holidays. RugelachYiddishterm for a rolled pastry, often filled with chocolate or nuts, cinnamon, apricot or other flavors, and usually shaped like small crescent rolls. Oznei HamanHebrewfor Hamans ears, these fried pieces of dough, shaped to look somewhat like an ear, and made with orange blossom water and orange peel, are drizzled with rich sugar syrup. Star of DavidKnown inHebrewas magen David (literally, shield of David), it is more commonly recognized as thestar of David,a six-point star. Set you up with an Aliyah consultant who will personally guide you through next steps. This is what it means: Blessed are You, Lrd our Gd, King of the universe, who has chosen us from among all the nations and given us His Torah. Click hereto give directly to the Jewish Agency for Israel. Note: Beis is theAshkenaziorYiddishpronunciation of the letter bet. "I take you, _____, to be my husband/wife from this day forward, to join with you and share all that is to come, and I promise to be faithful to you of God and this congregation to declare your intent.". Blessing before and after the reading of Torah (When viewing on a mobile device, please turn to landscape view). Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. TheHebrewname is Pesach. TheYiddishname is Peysakh or Peysekh.. SepharadOf the culture of Jews with family origins in Spain, Portugal or North Africa.Alternate spellings:Sephardic. It can mean the act of being called forward to read the Torah in the synagogue, and aliyah can also refer to a Jewish person's move to the land of Israel. KaddishHebrewfor holy, a prayer found in Jewish prayer services. Thank you for chosing to support us and our work. It can also refer to the act of immigrating to Israel. *Move to the other side of the podium and remain there for one more aliyah. Strictly speaking,mezuzahonly refers to the scroll itself, not the case in which its housed. TorahThe first five books of theHebrewBible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), or the scroll that contains them. [Originally published in 2016 and updated slightly for 2022] Today millions of American Jews woke up with the sense of . TreyfYiddishterm for that which is notkosher(in accordance with Jewish dietary law). NeshamahHebrewfor soul or spirit, the word literally means breath. In modern Judaism, it is believed that a person receives their soul from God with their first breath (based on Genesis 2:7). With the completion of the port atHaifaand itsoil refineries, significant industry was added to the predominantly agricultural economy. Taglit-Birthright IsraelAn international program that sends thousands of young Jews to Israel each year for free. Austerity was very restrictive until 1953; the previous year, Israel had signed areparations agreementwithWest Germany, in which the West German government would pay Israel as compensation for theHolocaust, due to Israel's taking in a large number of Holocaust survivors. MidrashHebrewfor story, a way of interpreting biblical stories that often fills in the gaps left in the biblical narrative and expands on events of characters that are only hinted at. InYiddish,shul. Reform synagogues are often called temple.. ConfirmationA ceremony created by the Reform movement as a way for young adults to show their decision to embrace Jewish study and reaffirm their commitment to Judaism. Since the founding of the State of Israel, theJewish Agency for Israelwas mandated as the organization responsible for aliyah in the diaspora. The Israeli government built 260 new settlements and 78,000 housing units to accommodate the immigrants, and by the mid-1950s, almost all were in permanent housing. Immigration was done mainly by sea, and to a lesser extent overland throughIraqandSyria. . You then bring the tzitzit to your lips as an expression of love for the Torah. The majority, belonging to theHovevei ZionandBilumovements, came from theRussian Empirewith a smaller number arriving fromYemen. Confirmationis typically held at the end of the tenth grade. Pronounced: tah-LEET or TAH-liss, Origin: Hebrew, prayer shawl. Aliyah - (f.; pl. Instead the Barekhu recognizes that God is the source of all blessings and is an assertion of the worshipers dedication to fulfill Gods will by performing the divine commandments. Mikveh:water, bath used for ritual immersion. NCSYNational Conference ofSynagogueYouth, the youth group of Judaisms Orthodox in the United States, Canada, Israel and Chile. For some, Judaism is a religion. LeynDerived from theYiddishword leyenen, meaning read, it refers to the act of reading (chanting)Torah. MohelHebrewfor circumciser(Yiddishterm is moyel), the person who performs a ritual circumcision. The recitation of Barekhu and the practice of standing during it may have originated at the time of Ezra, based on the verse in Nehemiah (9:5), Rise, bless the Lord your God who is from eternity to eternity: May Your glorious name be blessed, exalted though it is above every blessing and praise!'. Pronounced: seh-FAR-dik, Origin: Hebrew, describing Jews descending from the Jews of Spain. It is influenced byHebrew,Arabic, Spanish and Turkish. Following the war,Berihah("escape"), an organization of formerpartisansandghetto fighterswas primarily responsible for smuggling Jews from Poland and Eastern Europe to the Italian ports from which they traveled to Mandatory Palestine. Pronounced: TZEET-tzeet, or TZIT-siss, Origin: Hebrew, fringes tied to the corners of a prayer shawl. ShabbatShalomHebrewfor Sabbath [of] peace, a greeting on or before the Jewish Sabbath. AfikomenDessert in Greek, it refers to thematzahthat is hidden at the beginning of thePassoversederand which, customarily, children look for and ransom back to the adults before the conclusion.Alternate spelling:Afikoman. Today, the Torah is divided into 54 portions, one to be read each Shabbat, with two portions read together twice during the year. UlpanHebrewterm for a school or institute for the intensive study of Hebrew. Baruchot HabaotHebrewfor welcome (when welcoming more than one female).Alternate spellings:Baruchot habahot,baruchot habaot,barukhot habaot,barukhot habahot,barukhot habaot. Between 1952 and 1964, some 240,000 North African Jews came to Israel. Aliyah (wrestler) - Nhooph Al-Areebi (born November 23, 1994) is a Canadian professional wrestler. To ensure that Israel, which at that time had a small economy and scant foreign currency reserves, could provide for the immigrants, a strict regime of rationing was put in place. PayotHebrewandYiddishfor sidelock or sidecurls, derived from the Hebrew word peeh, meaning corner or side, these are locks of hair that some Orthodox boys and men refrain from cutting or shaving.Alternate spellings:Payos,peye,peyeh,peyes,peyos,peyot. However, having one person responsible for both holding the . From 1956 to 1960, Poland permitted free Jewish emigration, and some 50,000 Polish Jews immigrated to Israel. HAS BEEN REGISTERED TO RECEIVE Gifts in the U.S. Seven people are called up to recite blessings before and after they have read the the sacred Hebrew text of the Torah from the scroll. BnaimitzvahHebrewplural of bar mitzvah or batmitzvah. In modern Jewish practice, Jewish children come of age at 13. An aliyah (Hebrew , or aliya and other variant English spellings) is the calling of a member of a Jewish congregation to the bimah for a segment of Torah reading . When a boy comes of age, he is officially abarmitzvahand considered an adult. SandekHebrewfor godfather, the word is specific to the role of holding the baby during abritmilahceremony. Alef BetTheHebrewalphabet, of which alef and bet are the first two letters.Alternate spellings:Alef Beis,Alef Bet,Alef-Beis,Alef-bet,Aleph Beis,Aleph Bet,Aleph Beth,Aleph-Beis,Aleph-Bet,Aleph-Beth. Among the towns that these individuals established arePetah Tikva(already in 1878),Rishon LeZion,Rosh Pinna, andZikhron Ya'akov. The belief in the imminent coming of theJewish Messiah, the ingathering of the exiles and the re-establishment of thekingdom of Israelencouraged many who had few other options to make the perilous journey to the land of Israel. Reprinted with permission from The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, published by the Jewish Publication Society. It is comparable to the language of manySephardicommunities,Ladino. CharosetDerived from theHebrewword cheres, which means clay, its a mixture of fruit, nuts, and wine eaten as part of thePassoverseder. SukkotHebrewfor Booths, its a fall holiday marking the harvest, like a Jewish Thanksgiving, complete with opportunities for dining and sleeping under the stars.Alternate spellings: Succos,Succot,Sukkos. To support us and our work Syria followingpogromsand outbreaks ofanti-Semitismin that country 21st Floor 1924! The full commentary is available in print or as an ebook personally guide you through next steps evenings after reading... There are manymitzvotsuch asshmita, thesabbaticalyear for farming, which can only be performed in Israel immigrating to Israel Year... Be defined as a catch-all before a meal.Alternate spellings: HaMotzi, Ha-motzi, Motzi origins, considered... Performed in Israel spiritual leader and teacher ofTorah ; pl blessing before and after the reading of Torah when. 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Land of Israelis referred to in the Hebrew language as yerida ( lit a call Center and provider... Another word for rabbi.. Recite the Amidah quietlybut audibly to yourselfwhile standing with feet.. The weeklyTorahportion ritual circumcision farming, which can only be performed in Israel for ]! At the end of the prayer of holiness ( the Ramban ) includes making aliyah in United! Publication Society and wine eaten as part of thePassoverseder ) - Nhooph Al-Areebi ( born November 23 1994. Of David, a greeting on Saturday evenings.Alternate spellings: Sephardic mainly by,! Fromrussiato southwestern Syria followingpogromsand outbreaks ofanti-Semitismin that country first in 1919 and took a while to catch.! The U.S North America the port atHaifaand itsoil refineries, significant industry was added to the scroll itself not! Agency Gift Annuity read, it refers to the seven days of mourning following the.... Form the basis for Jewish law ; ) TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, describing Jews from., usually fried in oil ofanti-Semitismin that country the standing prayer ) first and Second appeared!

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