vba winhttprequest basic authentication

http.send End Sub. If you dont have an account, fortunately, the company allows anyone to sign up for a paper trading account. A simple POST request to send form data : When we need to access web services with basic authentication, A username and password have to be sent with the Authorization header. Hi Robert, you have to save the response to XLSX file (download in simple terms) first then access the data in it using regular VBA methods like workbooks.open, Heres some sample code to download a file in VBA https://bin.codingislove.com/kobokicive.vbs. I really appreciate your help on my last question, could you help me out with this as well? To send a login and password just add one additional command WinHttpRequest.SetCredentials (Example code below). Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. Could you please help me for that? Connection:keep-alive How can I send a post to a specific web page and also open and display this web page at the same time ? I have below query. Hi, I dont think that any API needs 2 authorization keys in the same request. request with? Do you have any suggestion for making UPDATE requests from Excel? If the tradable flag is false, unfortunately you will not be able to trade it. Dim key_id, key_header_name, secret_key, secret_header_name, liveURL, paperURL As String, secret_key = "VNyUcm79KKHfbURQoctKNhSkaYBgEKbit8aI0Q9B", secret_header_name = "APCA-API-SECRET-KEY", paperURL = "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets", req.setRequestHeader key_header_name, key_id, req.setRequestHeader secret_header_name, secret_key, order_ID = 2db78c3d-7c76-42ce-ba55-c870f2183606, req.Open GET, paperURL & /v1/orders/ & order_ID, For Excel Persons How to Pull Market Data with VBA, the ID key, which tells Alpaca who you are, the secret key, which tells Alpaca you are who you say you are, the header names, which tell Alpaca which key is which (ID or secret), and the API endpoint stem, to which we will append the correct endpoints in later sections. Public UserNameP As String The project goal is to to read my bloglines subscriptions in Excel(Im 60% done), sorta like a Bloglines version of Colos EZRSS, then possibly port the effort to OutLook when Im finished(another learning curve). ) ); #INCLUDE ONCE "win32api.inc" #INCLUDE ONCE "httprequest.inc" DIM pHttpReq AS IWinHttpRequest DIM bstrResponseText AS STRING ' Create an instance of the HTTP service Lets set up a code skeleton first so the outline is clear. For GET requests, you may have seen other tutorials using MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 instead of MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60. This is a standard way , supported by all browsers, that a username and password can be supplied to a web site that needs it. I can only get the string of the filepath and name. Stop, I am trying to send an Outlook msg file using Post, but cant get the file to Post. They provided they following info using curl, curl -H Authorization: apikey foo:19765acd5546655c1a2888 I am learning VBA for xsl and automating a project.I am able to provide input data to an API which currently works .But i need to provide input data from from a xsl file ,lets say data.xsl which has input data in column 1 to 30 i,e C2 to C30 in sheet 1 . Hi all, does any1 know if there is any one this automation to authenticate with oauth2? All REST requests must contain the following headers: CB-ACCESS-KEY : The api key as a string. 'Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1'.WinHttpRequest. Code stops on .setRequestHeader X-SPP-API-Token, apiToken and the VBA error is The parameter is incorrect Any idea what is wrong with this? . For Alpaca, this is particularly noticeable when querying the clock endpoint, but it will rear its ugly head for positions and orders during market hours, since these endpoints will be returning data that is rapidly changing. I am really newbie in VBA, started to study right now. 1. With the data parsed into an object, I can iterate over it to fill the cells with the appropriate data. http://api.technopedia.com/api/v1/manufacturer/?format=json, Hi George, That curl information explains the following : Send a header with name Authorization and value apikey + yourapikey. Hi Amit, You need not encode the authorisation URL itself. Mine is just stored in my VBA code modules, which is good a place as any. Open an excel file and open VBA editor (Alt + f11) > new module and start writing code in a sub 1 2 3 Public sub XmlHttpTutorial End Sub Define XMLHttpRequest Define http client using following code 1 2 Dim xmlhttp as object Set xmlhttp = CreateObject ("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP") If you need VBA's Intellisense autocomplete then do it this way : I also tried putting the data into a variable first and then paste into Excel, but its the same result. Excel is a powerful and most popular tool for data analysis! Thanks very much for writing this tutorial and for taking the time to answer the questions! iXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" Base 64 encoding.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & UserNameP; Let me know how this goes. Hi, Why are you making a request if you dont need a response? Im using PUT (Sorry for not mentioning this earlier) request but that is creating duplicates. 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You can make a POST request and get its response but you cannot actaully simulate a real browser post request. WinHttp IS for service applications but you have to write your own cookie, cache and proxy handling (instead of using WinINet that reads settings directly from the user's internet options in control panel). Thanks for the reply. Debug.Print xmlhttp.responseText All request bodies should have content type application/json and be valid JSON. Here's my old VBA code - I was using HTTP3, but you can just change each one to HTTP6. I have the following curl code which I am trying to convert to VBA for excel. Based on a work at http://www.mcpher.com. This is the key you will need when you send your requests. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3140245/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-a-default-secure-protocols-in. Microsoft XML, v 5.0 (if you have installed Office 2003 2007 which provides MSXML 5.0 for Microsoft Office Applications). Compile error: User-Defined type not defined, Some notes: . The apiToken is a string of 147 characters and it includes special characters like -, :, =, /. key:X . Awesome website and tutorial. Hi!Ive no technical knowledge of exactly what type of intranet it is, but we have several self produced sites which requires single sign-on/ windows authentication. Read JSON Api in Excel VBA where I call JSON Apis using HTTP GET and POST requests. HTTP requests in VBA gives additional capabilities to Excel. Csrpina The response string will include data like the fill date (if it was filled), the quantity, the side (buy or sell), and stops, limits, and time in force options. X-Auth-Token: XXXXXXX Best practices of scraping website data for beginners (Updated 2022), https://codingislove.com/make-oauth-requests/, https://marketdata.websol.barchart.com/getHistory.csv?key=%5BAPI, https://forum.codingislove.com/topic/3/unable-to-paste-api-data-to-excel, http://localhost:1234/call.php?apicall=registration.data&apiDataType=xml, https://bin.codingislove.com/iyejomocoq.vbs, https://codingislove.com/browser-automation-in-excel-selenium/, Automatic download of browser content using Excel links and VBA, http://api.datadoctorit.com/email-validate, https://bin.codingislove.com/kobokicive.vbs, http://kf-xxxxx.appspot.com/api/1/TestingMaster/csv, https://wqweto.wordpress.com/2011/07/12/vb6-using-wininet-to-post-binary-file/, https://bin.codingislove.com/ayaqosovot.vbs, https://www.six-swiss-exchange.com/bonds/, https://codingislove.com/best-practices-scraping-website-data/, https://support.microsoft.com/help/245115/using-early-binding-and-late-binding-in-automation, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/complete-basic-operations-using-sharepoint-rest-endpoints, https://docs.bitfinex.com/v2/reference#ws-input-order-new, https://bling.com.br/Api/v2/notasfiscais/json/&apikey=5c8a14eecc14fd3ffde5014b6ac5b12f753ea96159c1b13e247cfb0176f26bf12c7057fe, Marvels Shang-Chi What if he was a web developer? Dim IEDoc As HTMLDocument On the one hand I think this is an excellent use-case and really needs a good example, but it's really tricky without any good public example APIs. 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Here is example code to pull your Bloglines subscriptions into Excel, it sends your Username and Password for authentication: Set a reference to Microsoft WinHTTP Services, Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Bloglines info. the download source code and extract the zip format, you can see the JsonConverter.bas file. Here is how i am providing data . Otherwise, using the object is relatively straightforward. You dont want to place trades in the wrong place. Request MethodOST Copy the following code into the text editor after replacing " [authenticationSite]" with the appropriate text to specify the URL of a site that requires HTTP authentication. I am a Google Developer Expert and decided to investigate Google Apps Script in my spare time. Public Function MakeWebRequest(method, url, post_data) As String ' make . Free Catalan Political PRISONERS. Thank you very much for the awesome blog. FastAPI's OAuth2 authentication mechanism requires me to send a "form-data" POST request, but I don't know how to do this using WinHTTPRequest in VBA. The API url follows: https://bling.com.br/Api/v2/notasfiscais/json/&apikey=5c8a14eecc14fd3ffde5014b6ac5b12f753ea96159c1b13e247cfb0176f26bf12c7057fe. X-Auth-Token has to be sent as header according to the CURL request but you are sending it in the POST body so your request is not authenticated. Hi Jose, What Intranet server are you using? Thanks! Application.Wait Now + TimeValue(0:00:03) SLOW DOWN Thus the req.Open line should read as such: req.Open GET, paperURL & /v1/account, False. 'Set xXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") VBA Microsoft WinHTTP Services Library. I had some questions about authentication from users of the Excel Rest library. When you open that login page in a browser, It makes a GET request first and then makes a POST request to the same page with login credentials. ****.com/api/track?tracking_number={string} Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. X-AspNet-Version:4.0.30319 Then you can send the cookie in header like this XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader Cookie, cookiename=cookievalue. I think it may be related to https, Im having trouble posting to a login form in https too. I learned from the Amazon Web Services workbook that its extremely easy to access a REST Web Service using VBA and import the data to an XML list. which will hit the Accounts endpoint and send back a long string in JSON format. I it right to prefer this strategy instead of drive mapping (and DOS commands) and FIleSystemObjects? https://bin.codingislove.com/unulobapoh.vbs. In addition, authentication is built into the app frameworks, so you don . I have a situation where users want to update data into webapp directly from excel. Je bute sur un pb entre xml et mshtml dans linstruction : Can I use this procedure also to make a delete request? Technology and services are offered by AlpacaDB, Inc. . Thank you for this wonderful blog. You will start by learning the basics of JavaScript, including variables and types, functions, and loops and conditions. The benefits of Early Binding far outweigh the trouble (or confusion) of having to check a checkbox in the References dialog. And you can view basic info about the account. Can you help me? From there, Bruce will teach you about Google Apps Script, Spreadsheet service, and Document service. please guide me how to do in microsoft excel. Example : Heres a paste of utility function that helps to encode string to Base64. I can do it . Please, any idea why this is not working below: Microsoft Internet Controls Library Request headers can be set using setRequestHeader method. password:XXXX, Public Sub httplogin() All Rights Reserved. Cookie:ASP.NET_SessionId=k1ixtazl1a1gu; __RequestVerificationToken_L05FQQ2=6qV_EElO1LcuuIxun2_cnZb54TZJe-pbVjG0VnLkmjdE88hNWXL-k3c4PY89uP7STiP8j7USwPN57wIzqjQggRSJINz9SqXDh7FQwwW2GLSgXAg2; __utma=191880309.452072024.1488573681.1489145502.1489148060.3; __utmb=191880309.9.10.1489148060; __utmc=191880309; __utmz=191880309.1488573681.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); fe_typo_user=758ccd26892baf680fd9fb0560abb767 Select: New Module. I spent all day yesterday trying to figure out how to submit a form using WinHTTPRequest. xmlhttp.Open GET, https://www.google.com/search?q= & San+Francisco, False Cells(xx, B).Value, False Im trying to implement the following CURL command into Excel VBA Code : curl -H api_key:5e8e9773-78ce-11e6-884b-f1ceeb96 -X POST data-urlencode [emailprotected]:\work\Master.csv http://kf-xxxxx.appspot.com/api/1/TestingMaster/csv. Regards, But when I try pasting it into Excel, it only pastes the headers for some reason. Ive searched the entire web looking for an answer. As stated under the light orange box, Alpaca will hide your secret key from the web browser once you refresh or go to another page.

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